Mosque Tours


The Grand Mosque Tour held at Kattankudy’s Al Aqsa Mosque was a resounding success with around 500 visitors of other faiths participating in the event.

The Mosque Tour organised by the Centre for Islamic Studies Harmony Center in association with the Trustees of Al Aqsa Mosque and local organisers involved a host of activities including a Guided Tour of the Mosque, Poster Walkthrough, Calligraphy Corner, Henna Corner, Literature Distribution and Videos of Qur’anic verses with translation and imagery.

Visitors included clergy, armed forces, health officers, doctors, nurses, teachers, government officers and ordinary peoples from all walks of life.

Asiff Hussein, Vice President- Outreach, CIS Harmony Center thanked the Trustees of the Mosque who hosted the event, Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum for sponsoring the event, Diakonia for supporting the event and local partners headed by Uwais Aboosalih who did a wonderful job with organising the event at the local level. He especially thanked the team of Mosque Tour Guides led by Brother Fawaz, team of Calligraphists led by Ashfaq who headed the Jamiah Naleemiah team and Azeem who headed the Fathih team for a good job done.

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